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Primus spare parts

Primus products are designed to last a lifetime, but some parts wear out or get lost over the years. Because we believe in repairing rather than replacing, we offer a wide range of spare parts. We encourage you to extend the life of your Primus products, and we're more than happy to help you.

Overview of Primus spare parts for gas stoves, vacuum bottles and tents

Early in the design phase, we identify what parts are subjected to the most wear and tear to make maintenance and repairs both simple and cost-effective. Here you'll find more information about the spare parts included in the Primus range.

Spare parts Primus stoves

Among the spare parts for Primus stoves you will find replacement parts for burners, from the smallest brass screw, jet nipple, and priming pad to stove bodies. You'll also find complete service kits for your Primus stove in this category. Pot grippers, lids, grill grates, and pot support grids are also available.

Spare parts Primus vacuum and water bottles

Have you lost the lid to your vacuum bottle, or does your water bottle need a new, fresh lid? Check out our spare parts for vacuum bottles, food jugs, travel mugs, and water bottles.

Spare parts Primus lanterns

Among our spare parts for lanterns, you'll find lantern glass and mesh basket replacements, mantles, and replacement parts for Piezo igniters.

Spare parts Primus tents

In the tent spare parts category, you'll find tent poles.

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