Campfires are one of the best ways to have a good time with any group. Fires are naturally soothing, entertaining, and keep people from long, uncomfortable silences or tossing insults back and forth. They are known to (almost) alleviate boredom in kids. Maybe it’s the s’mores, not the campfire, but either way a campfire is a must for your seasonal jaunt to mountains or forest. If you have kids, we give you permission to play with them, and play with your food, in these five campfire games. If you have no campfire, most of these are still perfectly legal.

Popcorn Pig-Out
Technically, this is less a game than an activity—but what kid really knows the difference? By using an open air popcorn popper, popcorn, and seasonings, you can get kids involved in set-up, popping, and choosing how to dust their beautiful and crunchy creation. A hot fire (or your open fire stove) and a little patience is all that is required.
The beauty of these open air popcorn gadgets is they can be used in fireplaces, and on grills

Colored Fire
Orange flames are so last century. Why sit around a normal, ho-hum, every day campfire when you can create a dazzling psychedelic show? By using simple table salt, powdered coffee creamer or special fire colorant bags, you can toss a little magic into the flames. This guarantees at least an hour of fun, and involves throwing stuff. To make it more game-like, pass the desired substance around or start small (with salt), and work your way up to bring out the big guns: fancy colorant bags.

The Marshmallow Classic
All that is needed for this are six (or more) good sports, a bag or two of regular sized marshmallows, and following some simple rules. You begin with one marshmallow, and each person says the phrase, “chubby bunny” (or another fun phrase of your choosing) in turn, marshmallow in mouth. If you can do it, you move on to round two: adding a second marshmallow and repeating, “chubby bunny” and so forth. It might get messy, but you’ll have a clear winner after a half dozen passes through the circle. This is one of the best campfire games, because even the losers can toast those marshmallows when victory is won (just don't forget thecampfire skewers!)

The Cone Challenge
This is a variation on the classic “Mr. Whippy” which involves ice cream. When camping, ice cream can get a little too messy so we recommend replacing it with regular M&Ms, small chocolates, tiny marshmallows, and/or sprinkles. Divide group into two teams. Select a person from each team to lie down with an ice cream cone in their mouth (pointy end down). The other team members, using only a spoon, put ingredients into the cone relay-style. When the cone is full, it must be eaten (no hands!). It’s a good idea to put a tarp down for this one, and use a timer.

Pea Pipes
You can use peas or mini-marshmallows for this campfire game. You will need regular straws as well. The object is for each team to return with as many peas (or marshmallows) as possible. A bowl of whichever you choose is placed at one end of the campfire. Teams must walk around the fire, straw in mouth, and suck one pea (or marshmallow) onto the end, then walk back to their spot at the other end of the campfire and deposit their catch into their team bowl. Use your timer--the fastest team wins.
Feel free to try these at home and test out the reaction of your kids. All five are kid (and adult) approved for good times and possible hysteria.
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