
Cooking time: 15 minutes | Servings: 4

Everything tastes good in a wrap! And frying tortilla bread is a success! These Taquitos are easy and super tasty.

Nathalie Spjälle | CAMPING


4 Tortilla breads
1 Red bell pepper
1 Onion
1 Garlic clove
Sriracha mayo
Garlic dressing
Fresh chives
Oil for frying
Salt & pepper


01 Slice the onion and cut the pepper in strips.
02 Fry in oil. Grate and add the garlic.
03 Season with salt and pepper.
04 Fill the tortillas with the pepper mixture.
05 Top with cheese and Sriracha mayo.
06 Fold in the bottom edge and then the sides, then roll up the tortilla.
07 Heat the oil and deep fry until the tortilla is nicely browned.
08 Finish by topping with garlic dressing, grated cheese, Sriracha mayo, jalapeños and chives.
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